The LYA contacts of prof. Hernandez in the 70ths - part 9

 last -preceding part

From the addendum in the book:


[From several notes made in November 1979.)

For many months (almost fourteen) Professor Hernandez and I (suppose that means Zitha Rodriguez. Rø-rem) had been conversing at length about his experiences, in which the principal protagonist was an extra-terrestrial woman. I showed a really genuine interest in his accounts. To me, it seemed a fantastic story, really incredible.

As director of the magazine I had access to many (UFO) cases, but none as interesting as this one. I believed it, though I had some doubts. Within me, I felt that the professor was telling me no untruth, and one reason why I say this is that it would be so illogical, since he desired no publicity, no fame, no money, nor any other material benefit, as with others with whom I have dealt. This inspired me to continue studying his case.

Sometimes I noticed that he would show fear when speaking of some things concerning LYA. That was logical. He had received a great emotional shock, which I believe the true contactees can understand, and what I say here. Whoever has had an experience of this type, suffers an enotional change.

At first, after that first encounter with LYA at the University, the professor felt really surprised when she tried to communicate telepathically with him. He felt that he had received certain messages, though he could not be certain where they came from. His research work advanced surprisingly, thanks to many of the formulas that were seen to be improved with opinions that came from him, without his comprehending how or why. He heard formulas in his mind, but he did not at first relate that to the visits of the strange extraterrestrial women.

We conversed at length about the possibility and the ideal means by which the professor could send information to the great powers, advising of his experiences with LYA. We knew that many crazies had been sending letters of pacification to Russia and the United States, but we did not how they were going to react to the information that he had.

Sometimes he and I had questioned things that LYA had said, but he never had doubts about the existence of this women and her extraterrestrial origin. To insistence, he one day promised to take me to meet her, but I thought it was only a promise to pacify me and nothing else.

Nevertheless, he had asked LYA if I could come and rneet her personally. She told him yes, but that they did not show themselves to the world because at international levels nobody would believe it, and if they began to do so, they would try to capture them, and to examine them and attempt to analyze their blood, organs and circulation, but that they (she and her friends) were disposed to know more terrestrial beings on a peaceful basis.

The professor did not tell me of any preparation, because, according to him, he himself did not prepare, not even at a mental level, although this was a form of communication with him.

We agreed that on the next occasion I would go with him to meet LYA. I asked, where is the place? How would I go, I asked? I will take you, he said.

At that time, October and November 1979, I had a great deal of work at the publishing house, and I soon forgot my promise to him.

Up to now all was going well. During that lapse of time we only saw each other two or three days due to his having to go to the Zone of Silence to make a report.

When he returned, he said that he wanted to remind me of our appointment with LYA. I felt a kind of curiosity. Finally I was going to meet an extraterrestrial women.

I thought, that as a journalist, I might be able to convert this into a contact. What should I do? Now I was on the level of the professor. What would happen?

As the day approached for my possible encounter with LYA, I began to feel a kind of uneasiness. Frequently in the evening, I would think very deliberately about that. What was happening to me? Did I really want to meet LYA out of curiosity, or only to "unmask" the professor? I did not know, but I began to feel an unprecedented fear. I felt very bad. I wanted to go, but I refused to take part in that meeting.

If a man of the valor and the integrity of the professor had experienced changes in his personality, could I resist that?

The day arrived and the professor called me early to remind me of the appointment. He was very sure the two of us would go together. He was really quite sure that I would accompany him.

The night before, I had not been able to sleep. I was really terrified. I never knew why, but toward morning I stuck my head out the window and upon looking at the Moon and the stars, I felt my heart beating with great force. I felt an undefined emotion. I was not emotionally prepared for such an encounter. I began to think of those who had disappeared and whose disappearances on many occasions was attributed to the UFOs.

For that reason, when he called me to tell me that he was coming for me at 5 o'clock, I refused, arguing that I had too much work.

The professor then said to me:

"I asked LYA if you could come with me to meet her personally, because you want to see if what I have been telling you is true. She answered me:"

"It is well, you may bring her, but I do not think she wants to come."

That surprised me a great deal. LYA knew that I would not come. Had she provoked this psychological ill feeling? Was I not prepared for such an encounter?

I had no answer to my questions.

The professor had told me that many people could contact them (the ETs). Their advances do not damage us, and many times they have placed their sciences at the service of whomever, like the professor, become their friends. Their space travels do not endanger us. Many of us, through some subconscious fear, refuse to accept friendship with beings from other worlds and this fear impedes their coming to have a coherent relationship.

I have interviewed other extraterrestrial contactees. Those who really have had some kind of contact experienced a certain fear. That depended on the nature of the contact, on whether it had been involuntary or friendly, or if there had only been silent contact.

The professor had already had to confront the problem of a special encounter, and above all had to struggle against himself to believe it.

I simply had to remember that I was afraid of the unknown and I believe that fear is an obstacle by which we terrestrials do not come to accept, as it should be, the presence of those beings.

When I told my elder brother about this, he reproached me as a coward, and still today I regret not having gone. Nine years have passed, and it seems that I can return to that time and feel the same ill sensation, only by imagining that I could have been on a space ship.

It is true that my action was incomprehensible, but if you had been in my place what would you have done?




We Are Destroying Our Own Planet

[From notes made in November 1975.]

"We continually search the Universe, trying to perhaps encounter something else..." is what LYA has told me many times. Day after day, a labyrinth of questions rise in my mind. I have asked her to tell me why my limited capacity for discernment and little receptivity is an obstacle so difficult to overcome. I know that contrary to her desires, she used words incomprehensible and terms that at times I did not understand. Likewise, when she was forced to use or employ simple terms in referring to her technical-scientific subjects, the grandness of her knowledge was minimized. According to my deductions, she spoke to me in words most accessible, which could serve to train me, which much facilitated things for me.

I began to become accustomed to my training by LYA, at whatever moment, in whatever place she wished. With her, today, when I saw her at the UNAM (University of Mexico)(picture of it) walking toward the cafeteria, there was absolutely nothing strange. I knew that she could accomplish almost anything she desired, and I believe that up to then, she had become a part of my life. I stopped her when I caught up with her.

"Hey.. .ey!" I exclaimed. "I have many questions to ask you." I said without stopping to think of the necessity of protocol to greet her. I acted spontaneously, without courteously greeting her. She nodded her head affirmatively and looked at me expectantly. We walked toward the outside in the direction of the parking lot.

"LYA," I said while we retired from that place, "Tell me about the uncertain future which day after day I have come to comprehend from all your conversations. Show me that which will come in a form inevitably destructive to assault our planet."

"Listen Professor: the terrestrials demonstrate decadent tendencies, nevertheless the malority live in a period of transition. That is to say, of changes, of metamorphosis. The galactic community simply observes.1 Only you can resolve the internal affairs.

1. Many other contactees, notably Eduard Meier in Switzerland, have been told by ET visitors that they have no authority to intervene in our basic nature beyond advising and educating, pointing the way so to speak. They say that all the problems that vex us are of our own making, and that we must learn to un-make them or learn to control them ourselves. They can give advice and even recommend, but we have to choose whether we want to take advantage of the advice offered, and if we choose not to, we must suffer the consequences of our acts. They say there is nobody coming from anywhere to save us from ourselves.


It is the respect of free will, of the liberty to act... it is a form of living, though that could be disputed, that is respected. Nevertheless, you are gaining, if that is what you want, and they demonstrate access to great intergalactic knowledge. However, contrary to that which you hope for your community, the terrestrials demonstrate clear tendencies to decline. The decline of this civilization began some time ago. As thinking beings, you began to incur this in your own species. In only one century, you have carried out sufficient nuclear tests that, because of which, for the next two hundred years, your humanity will be exposed to radioactive residues. From explosions in different parts of your planet. Unfortunately, this is one of the more important reasons why you are losing your ozone layer. By the 1980s you will have lost a total of 8.3% of the ozone layer that originally was found at the beginning of this century. This will provoke the solar rays to stimulate the molecules of all (living) organisms to their maximum level.2

This will also make many of the viruses that assault the terrestrials reach their optimum resistance.3

  1. This cause of the destruction of the protective ozone layer surrounding our planet was also pointed out in ET contacts in Switzerland in 1975, before we were even aware aware of any loss ourselves, and in 1976 in ET contacts in Minnesota. Other ETs making contact in other countries have pointed out the same problem for us.


3. The effect of the loss of the ozone layer on viruses is a new factor introduced by these ETs in this case. But the effect of "fine radiation" on viruses and the DNA chains in living organisms, was discussed in detail in 1967 and 1968 by ET visitors from planet UMMO to contactees in Spain. (See UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO, Vol. 2, by Antonio Ribera.)


'Nevertheless this will exercise a major stimulation of the cerebral neurons, which contributes to the acceleration of the neurophysical changes in the humanity of your world. The memory and the intelligence will be the first cerebral zones to show sensible changes. This will transform the character of each individual, according, of course, to the resistance of each one. The changes will sharpen, whether they are positive or negative, but your own tendencies will always become more acute. The grade of abnormal neuroses will rise noticeably. As a consequence, your aggressiveness will increase, and the percentage will rise day by day and month by month. Characteristics will increase, and intelligence will be accentuated, but also said stimulations will generate decadence in the individual as such. Although it seems to you sometimes that this could benefit humanity, it will prejudice him greatly in genetic order. He will become susceptible to diseases for which there are no known treatments.4

4. Witness the development of new diseases in our society which we have never heard of before, and for which we have no known effective treatment, such as AIDS. And we are here being told that this is only the beginning, and that this will continue to develop on a sine curve until we get control of our mis-use of radiation, and the long term effects that result from it.


Respiratory ailments and neurological illnesses will be one form of organic abnormality by the end of the 1980s. After that will come all kinds of degenerative sicknesses. The births of genetically malformed beings will accelerate. The human race suddenly will be confronted by changes in genes, of DNA in mutation. Many species of animals will have disappeared, others will show mutations, and still others will have lost the characteristics of their race. This will show you that, thanks to the indiscriminate use of nuclear tests and the dangerous contaminants that poison the water and the air, the race is suffering mutations. Some of the greatest tragedies of humanity began because of circumstances that seemed ingenious and inoffensive at the time. Because of that, upon analyzing the effects over time, we must first observe the experience which gives us a retrospective view of the past. Much of that which has been done in the areas of science has resulted in death to humanity. The accidents which have occurred in nuclear plants, and those which will occur in the future, contribute still more to sensitive loss of the ozone."5

5. This is another reference to our misuse of our atomic sciences and the destruction of the protective ozone layer, which the ETs tell us is a direct result of the harmful radiations released. Nevertheless we continue adding to the cumulative problem with no apparent concern for our own future tomorrow. Some ETs have even observed that we are in the process of terminating our own aberrant society, a just and deserved end to a violent species, they say. Must we continue to our ultimate end?


"What? Have there been more nuclear accidents?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, Professor. And for this also there are many reasons. In the first place, you still are not capable of beneficial use of nuclear energy without problems, threats, and dangers to your civilization. There are risks. The movements of ground, such as landslides and earthquakes. though slight, endanger the plants. This should make man think, and know that his habitat is not adaptable to plants of this kind.6

6. A nuclear powerplant in California is built right on a major fault line where earthquakes are expected beyond all doubt.

(and similar thoughts, how we "play with GREAT DANGERS HERE" - can be made of the info from the Swedish contactperson ANTE JONSSON - and he was taken into a underwaterbase in -85, - where he withnessed many (nuclear)missiles that was seemingly taken down by some of the ETs/"cosmic child-gurards" for our earth. -rø-rem)

'But...wait. The loss of ozone increases the temperature, or diminishes it according to the case. This will easily affect the nuclear plants. No Professor, you still are not capable for that. It also influences the external movement of the planet, moreover the pressures of gravitational change From that date began to increase, which could also put the nuclear plants in danger, as well as other important things. Someone needs to stop this, because the result in the future will bring unacceptable damage to humanity. (This was said more than 30y ago - and today we more and more see the consequences of what she warned against. R.Ø.rem) Man, despite his advance, his intelligence, his desire to overcome the barriers of his habitat beyond the atmospheric level which surrounds your planet, opens a great highway towards his own destruction. It is imperative to open a breach toward more knowledge, physical and moral of the terrestrial being. He has degraded the water, a liquid of optimum excellence, not only on your planet, but in all the Universe. He has dirtied his planet, has destroyed hundreds of thousands of living beings, animals, plants and rivers, lakes and oceans contaminated by man, not to mention his absolute lack of respect not only shown toward those others, but manifested toward himself. There will come a time in which any energy of your world will have a cost much less than that of water. (7)

Your world is slowly being converted into a place inappropriate for life. We desire to sound an alarm at once, exposing several reasons. Starvation is not a sentence. It is only the result of world disorganization. You have not dutifully capitalized the goods of the Earth. There is indignity, ambition, pride and arrogance. You manipulate entire populations blackmailing them with grains and greens. It is time that you begin to enjoy a true peace in your world. It is time to show the intergalactic humanity that you also have the right to life and knowledge, but this you must authentically earn. Listen Professor, if today you could take a step backward and stop the nuclear advances in only those which are employed in the use of risky chemical combinations, your terrestrial community would have made an important change and thus one step toward survival. The scientists argue that to stop science is to stop the world, but that is not true. You can not feel pride in a science that values only it's arsenals of deadly weapons. The next decades will show the contrary. The terribleness of this is that the tribute to the weapons that today are found distributed in all countries is the death of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of innocent persons, some of which never heard talk of the liberation of the atom. This end finds no justification whatsoever, not the least being that if science is to advance, you have to sacrifice the life of a whole planet. and even prejudice the life of the solar system. The chemical weapons produce degenerative illnesses not only in men that come in contact with them, but in the water and the plants that have been contaminated and poison other forms of life. as well as to prejudice the human organism."


"In your world, is the scientific advance as dangerous as on this planet?"

"Well, not only on my world, but in other civilizations, they have something like an important agreement on the advance of the civilization through science, the Principal importance always being the preservation of life. The tests do not take into account the proportion in which you make them, and if they treat of weapons, they should be tested in their minimum proportion, though with our procedures there isno need to test this and that. We utilize enormous brains that indicate the combinations to us - such as can make - the results as well as the potentiality and the damage that could be provoked in different mediums - or different planets.

'We must not destroy, not even in areas that could have a high probability of benefit to our community, if perhaps those weapons could leave residues that might damage some small part of our planet. By such we abstain from affecting a world only for the benefit of a limited number of inhabitants. Our rules and regulations are severe, but sufficiently secure as to not expose the security of our world, or of others on which life is manifested.(8) If we change any of these rules we could see ourselves exposed to severe judgement before the major community of those who associate with us as allies, as copartners in investigations and co-partners in knowledge acquired at large by our search of the Universe. But we must, to obtain this interchange, show that we are highly trustworthy and that we are not going to negatively utilize the knowledge acquired. We must show that we are really an adult community, controlling our emotions, as well as having a profound respect for life, for beings of other planets, for organisms in evolution, and finally for that which vibrates in some form of existence. If we alter those rules we will be left out of partnership in that intergalactic community of great knowledgeable beings who help us so much. (9)



(repeat of) foot-NOTES

1. Many other contactees, notably Eduard Meier in Switzerland, have been told by ET visitors that they have no authority to intervene in our basic nature beyond advising and educating, pointing the way so to speak. They say that all the problems that vex us are of our own making, and that we must learn to un-make them or learn to control them ourselves. They can give advice and even recommend, but we have to choose whether we want to take advantage of the advice offered, and if we choose not to, we must suffer the consequences of ouracts. They say there is nobody coming from anywhere to save us from ourselves.


2. This cause of the destruction of the protective ozone layer surrounding our planet was also pointed out in ET contacts in Switzerland in 1975, before we were even aware aware of any loss ourselves, and in 1976 in ET contacts in Minnesota. Other ETs making contact in other countries have pointed out the same problem for us.


3. The effect of the loss of the ozone layer on viruses is a new factor introduced by these ETs in this case. But the effect of "fine radiation" on viruses and the DNA chains in living organisms was discussed in detail in 1967 and 1968 by ET visitors from planet UMMO to contactees in Spain. (See UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO, Vol. 2, by Antonio Ribera. | Also on same base as this stuff. rø.rem|  ) 


4. Witness the development of new diseases in our society which we have never heard of before, and for which we have no known effective treatment, such as AIDS. And we are here being told that this is only the beginning, and that this will continue to develop on a sine curve until we get control of our misuse of radiation, and the long term effects that result from it.


5. This is another reference to our misuse of our atomic sciences and the destruction of the protective ozone layer, which the ETs tell us is a direct result of the harmful radiations released. Nevertheless we continue adding to the cumulative problem with no apparent concern for our own future tomorrow. Some ETs have even observed that we are in the process of terminating our own aberrant society, a just and deserved end to a violent species, they say. Must we continue to our ultimate end?


  1. A nuclear powerplant in California is built right on a major fault line where earthquakes are expected beyond all doubt.
  2. We are already beginning to experience major shortages of useable water all over this world. We can remove chemical contaminants f water, but we are still unable to remove what various ETs are call "fine radiations", which they define as the disturbance effect t propagates. from molecule to molecule as a result of the excitement energy imbalances in the molecular fields themselves produced by exposure of the molecules to "coarse radiation", which is what observe and attempt to deal with in our primitive atomic scienc This has been discussed by the ETs visiting Eduard Meier in Swi erland as well as L.Z. in Minnesota, among others. Several ETs ~ told their Earth contactees that water could become more precious t gold in our forseeable future!

8. The more sophisticated and more evolved ETs abhor the idea of destroying a planet for the limited benefit to a few beings for a short period of time, as they see in our atomic power plants here.

9. Here is one of the more important reasons why we are observed studied at great length by ET visitors, but why they do not land make the acquaintance of our society. WE have not evolved ourselves sufficiently to benefit from such a contact, nor would they. Earth remains in it's own "quarantine".



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