The Allmahuluki live on the planet Jupiter, in a different dimensional plane. They arrived here extremely long
ago, from constellation Lyra and Cygnus, but are not parented to the Lyran collective. They are tall and very slim
ethereal beings, able to manifest in 3D plane thanks to their special suits. Big huge black eyes, They are now far
from 3D incarnation vibratory states and remain in 6D. They redrew from Earth where they had settled a colony
and, not possible for them to go back to the Lyran system because of the wars, they settled on planet Jupiter
instead. They live peacefully there in cohabitation with the GFW headquarters in the Sal system, based also on
Jupiter. They are considered as mystical elders. After a reputed lost battle in ancient India against Reptoids, they
were forced to leave our planet which they had been visiting for about 200
years, but they have resumed their visits since 1948. This race is technologically extremely advanced. They do not
abduct, they are pacifists and wise part of the GFW. Saucer type ships, bright blinding blue sizzling light. Invisible for the most part, and they also wear suits making them invisible.