They live on planet Darias, in the star system Daro. The Egaroth from the Daro system are the very ancient original Egaroth race, whose colonies escaped after the attacks of the Orion Empire. A colony still lives in the Zagara system. Both are part of the Council of Five. Darian Egaroth have shifted into a higher density in order to preserve their civilization from the Orion and Ciakahrr (Draco) empires. In point of fact, each species in this universe has its own density shifting’s range possibility, and reptiloid cannot, for most of them, reach upper frequencies, Anything that shifts higher than their perception range becomes invisible to them. Daro Egaroth also possess the power of shape-shifting, that they use very rarely. They are wise spiritual beings, who look after the balance of the universal web. They travel a lot, in search for disharmonious spots, and work on rebalancing the energies of the place. They are involved in helping the density shift of Terra, working alongside with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Daro Egaroth travels in etheric interdimensional vessels. Their ships have geometrical shapes such as diamond, lozenge and Merkabah.