D’Akoorhu (pl: D'Akoori) reside on the10" Planet, Dakoorat: “the place of the guardians of peace”. Now, this is the fourth Ashaari race, born from a unique evolution of the Noori from Alkhorat. They are those who you call the “Pleiadeans of light”. They are the highest level of evolution in the Man race and they dwell in the 9" density of existence, on a world they transformed alongside with their elevation. It is believed that this extraordinary development inte light beings is due to the nature of Dakoorat, most outwardly planet of the Ashaari system, which structure is crystalline and interacting molecularly with the plasmic field of the cluster. Surpassing the restricted possibilities of the altered Noori genetics, this colony transfigured their bodies into translucent ethereal envelops, allowing their life-span to reach incredible records. They leave when they wish to, when they feel they have done their time serving Source and wish to merge back again with Her, regenerate, and come back in anew existence for a new mission. The D'Akoori are wise and very powerful, and they are part of the Federation's council, working also at the ascensional shift of Terra and the maintenance of its frequency grid. They use transdimensional ethereal ships, powered by geometrical resonance energy. Often seen as lozenges or faceted prisms.