The 5° Planet of the Ashaaru, Alkhorat, “the serene place”, is inhabited by the descendants of the Noor colony,
named the Alkhorhu (pl: Alkori). As you remember, the Noori of the same genetic
root as the Ahil but present some physiological differences, notably the size which can reach up to &ft tall,
The Alkhori live as long as the Ahil and Taali, that is to say between 500 to 700 (T) years, but a genetic alteration occurred due to the successive changes of habitat conditions. You remember, the Noori people like to travel.
This unfortunate alteration is such that their internal organs fail as they do not grow as fast as their body
envelops. In general, the heart fails first.
Members of the GFW as all Ashaari are (Taygeta Pleiadeans), the Noori are much involved into the Terran affairs.
They have also been involved in the past of Terra, establishing colonies. Terran myths kept records of one of the
Noor races as red haired giants. Their ships are Ashaari type, identical to
those of the Errahil and T-mari.