some from Arthur Berlet's self-experienced book:


introduction | audio-upreading to fellow here | all bookaudio | Illustrations here are NOT from this book. | more on the case


In the year 1958 a man named Artur Berlet (picture), of far German descent, disappears from the city in Sarandi, Brazil. After many days he returns and reveals an amazing story of abduction and travel to another planet.  This man had no education and was totally non-informed on such matters as almost  non-litterate. To-day SO much of what he claims to have seen on Acart regerding high-tech is not so ubelievable- as f.x a video/living-picture phone. Some more intro  about the case down

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where the contact happend in -58 in Sarandi, RioGrande do Sul /Brazil. 

He tells of trackways on Acart, but they were under ground








no need for road on Acart an similar planets- and also Earth will leave this primtive travel-way by indiviual wheel-cars in supposedly some 100 years from now.

many of our distant relatives have "recorded" the radio/tv-transmissions on earth to decode and so learn our languages

book-extracts else

some later talk - among other things also about Acart having abolihed the use of money- they just count workingtime

more about this planet/ on this case

Journey to another world: planet Acart - where to Artur Berlet was taken or abducted for many days

It was seven o'clock in the evening. The long road and dark dirt road was becoming heavy. In one day on photo work of May 1958, Artur Berlet, a tractordriver of the inner city, Sarandi was going. But before he had completing the 18 kilometers that connected the town of Natalino the county seat, he was faced with an intense light in the bushes by the roadside. Curious, he crossed the barbed wire fence and saw a round object, with about thirty feet in diameter. Stealthily, figures by and inside the object, and a them a stream of bright light beam was causing him to lose consciousness. From there on, the family and friends of Arthur were eight long days without any knowledge of what had happened to him.




An extensive and detailed account of a journey to another planet gave rise to a flurry of speculation and even jokes in the northern region of the state. Arthur would had been abducted by more than a week, led by a spaceship to a planet called Acart. From this experience was born the work From utopia to reality - real trip to another planet. In the manuscripts of 422 pages, written by pencil, Arthur describes historical and scientific facts that now have been discovered also here on Earth, over these 50 years. The story became known as " Berlet-case," and some of the leading UFO researchers worldwide investigated the matter.(Esp.W.Stevens.)


According to the manuscripts, (book found online in pdf here, and upreading here) - Artur Berlet ended up in this planet called Acart, 62 million miles from Earth. In the book, Arthur regained consciousness in a bed, with people moving around him. Two men led him to the exit by a door, where he could observe the perplexing nature outside, as they were now on firm ground, in a strange place. "I had the impression that I had lost half of my weight and at the same time that my shoulders had increased in volume," he wrote. He also says that, as he tried to communicate by different languages, and also  a few words in German, one of the men understood the language, and so it came to be a communication between them. This man had been many times on Earth, and had then learned German, and so this man became his main contact on that planet. During the eight days he spent on the planet, Arthur describes details on their super crowded cities, the water "as light as gas," the local transport by air, the weapons used by the inhabitants, as disintegrating weapons, and what they called ‘solar neutralizers’. On the return trip, unlike the way TO Acart, Arthur agreed to stay conscious most of the time. He claims he took a pill, like the one that other crew members did, and so slept in "the zones of magnetic turbulence" in space.

The ship left the field, five miles from Sarandi. Arthur went home and took a week to sort the confused ideas and make sketches and notes on the trip. After writing by hand all the adventure from the days he lived on another planet, Artur Berlet published the book, with a preface and epilogue of two important ufologists. Fifty years later, the editor of From utopia to reality - real trip to another planet, can only be found in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro and the municipal libraries of São Paulo and Curitiba. There are still some copies belonging to the daughter of Arthur, Ana Berlet, who still lives in Sarandi, who has a photographic studio, and is the main disseminator of the story of his father, who died in 1980.


The case becomes known

In 1972, Arthur was invited by scholars of ufology to give a speech in Germany about his extraterrestrial experience. In May this year, the International UFO Museum, History and Science, during the National Week of Museums, together with IPHAN, Institute for National Artistic Patrimony, would present an exhibition on the ‘Case Berle’. "Artur Berlet, the cowboy who traveled to another planet - 50 years of history"  was an exhibition of documentary material, photographs from the personal archives of Artur Berlet, a roadmap drawn up with the chronological order of events, the original manuscripts, notebooks that totalling 422 pages, plus the camera, which, according to Arthur, was carried with to the planet Acart.

Reports such as Artur Berlet’s, has been studied for years by scientists and by the UFO community. NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, invests millions of dollars in research related to life on other planets. And  the same question for centuries, produces numerous speculations: Can life exist beyond Earth? For Alvaro Becker Rose, who teaches physics classes at the University of Passo Fundo, scientists do not doubt that there really is life on other planets, but the big question is about intelligent life. There is no scientific evidence of intelligent beings living outside our planet, but science does not rule out this possibility.

Cases like Artur Berlet are disruptive, according to Alvaro. "This man came with a flood of information, saying that he had visited another planet, and today, in the eyes of science - we can see that SO much of what he wrote, has  actually been discovered thru the later years, for example, monocrystalline silicon," he says. He adds: "Artur Berlet was a very humble origin, semi-illiterate and would not be able to 'invent' the events with great detail described in the book, had it not been perceived and experienced.




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